A health and safety solution built for agribusiness

Keep your team protected and your operation thriving, whatever the conditions - online or offline

Map Risks Hazards Poi Desktop
Map Risks Hazards Poi Mobile

Explore Onside's top health and safety features

Incident management

Risk management

Safety induction

Emergency plan

Investigation and follow-up

...and many more!


A better way to see, share, and manage risks

Transform your property map into a living risk register. Each digital check-in ensures staff, visitors and contractors acknowledge site-specific hazards -  and can easily report risks and hazards themselves. Be confident, knowing everyone on site is safety-aware.

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Evaluate and respond to risks in real-time, anywhere

When a new risk is reported through the app, you’ll receive an immediate notification. The risk management workflow enables you to evaluate risk, assess severity and take appropriate actions, helping you to respond efficiently and protect others from harm.

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Manage incidents end-to-end, and take action

The reality is that incidents still occur in rural workplaces, but Onside’s incident management workflows help you thoroughly review each incident and create effective follow-up actions, helping to address underlying issues and prevent repeats. If WorkSafe is notified, you’ll easily provide the required documentation.

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Download instant audit-ready reports

When you need to compile information - whether it’s for WorkSafe, or certifications like NZFAP, SWA, SWNZ, and Freshcare - you can use Onside to generate reports on the spot. With all your data in one place, you can trust its accuracy and piece together patterns and trends, gaining deeper insight across your operation.

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Health and safety compliance is one of the most critical challenges facing agribusinesses 

Without a consolidated system to track risks and incidents across your operation, the stakes are high. One missed step could mean costly fines and failure to uphold your responsibility as a PCBU. That’s why Onside is a great safety partner. Unlike manual processes or using multiple disconnected tools, Onside keeps everything connected - surfacing gaps, automating follow-ups, and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. It empowers you to protect both your people and your operation.

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Why agribusinesses need Onside’s health and safety software


  1. Get peace of mind

    Onside reduces the risk of non-compliance, and the resulting fines by setting you up with the right systems so that you can stay audit ready and avoid penalties. When auditors make a request, you'll provide a gap-free record in minutes.
  2. 100% agri

    Onside is map-based and mobile, putting live property information right in your pocket. No more relying on whiteboards in the shed - risk registers and key details are accessible anytime, anywhere.
  3. Designed for high adoption

    We’ll help you get staff and contractors on board, ensuring strong adoption, which is key to ensuring you can gather accurate, real-time data on risks and incidents. 

Ready to keep your people and your business safe?

Talk to one of our local team to see how Onside can solve your business problems 

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